We have consistently dedicated our focus on building a platform that brings to the forefront of the passive fire protection market not only unrivalled technical knowledge, sales and account management, but a passion on offering only the very best and most trusted fire protection brands that go above and beyond to create products that truly deliver on the commitment to people's lives and property. We collate fire stopping and intumescent coating ranges from brands that are truly industry innovators.
We are very happy to finally include Quelfire.co.uk a band synonymous with quality and passion for industry change.
We have now included a full range of Quelfire products available to our account, and retail customers including QuelStop Fire Batts, Quelstop Fire Collars & a huge range of Quelstop CE marked Fire Sleeves.
Get in touch with our technical team on 0333 043 0018 for more information or email sales@passivefireproducts.com to discuss your requirements
Brand Overview:
Established in 1977, and with over 40 years of experience, Quelfire is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Specialist Passive Fire Protection for buildings.
Quelfire is a well trusted brand that’s renowned for its long-standing commitment to high-quality, certified products, including fire containment systems for pipe, duct and electrical service penetrations, as well as linear joints and cavity barriers.
Quelfire provides a range of valuable products and services to specifiers, architects, engineers and contractors for the most effective fire protection in buildings of all sizes, types and ages.
Our customers include contractors specialising in firestopping, mechanical, electrical and façade amongst others, as well as distributors and merchants serving the construction industry.
The Quelfire systems have been tested to the latest BS & EN standards, and a range of fire collars, fire sleeves and intumescent wraps also carry CE Mark Certification.
Quelfire products have been installed on thousands of projects throughout the world, including many hotels, apartments, care homes and offices. Quelfire’s products are also used frequently on the London Underground.
Quelfire excels at providing first-class customer service, timely delivery and expert technical advice.
For more information and full Quelfire range click here.
Passive Fire Products . Leaders in Fire Protection. Believers In Innovation. People, Property, Protected.