Firoblok fire sleeves for pipes, ideal for services or pipes which pass through fire-rated block, brick, concrete or plasterboard. Specialised sleeves designed for electrical conduits are also available in this range. End plates are also available to seal penetrations in walls or floors, allowing services to pass through.
In the case of a fire, the intumescent material will expand, thus sealing the pipe at either end and preventing firespread. They also absorb heat to help prevent services, pipes and cables from overheating. Highly flexible, moisture resistant and feature acoustic properties.
Product Description
A foiled intumescent sleeve to go over plastic, UPVC, steel & copper pipes, plastic ventilation trunking, flue pipes and cable baskets. Firoblok® sleeves are designed to protect cables and metal/plastic pipes, ventilation trunking, flue pipes and cable baskets passing through fire- rated ceiling, floors or walls made from block, brick or concrete and hollow plasterboard floors and walls. They are flexible, allowing contraction and expansion of water pipes and give protection from corrosion caused by close contact with cement, cement blocks, plaster and other corrosive building materials.
No more corrosion problems due to copper pipes having contact with concrete surfaces.
Meets all regulations.
Allows for expansion and contraction of hot pipes and gives up to four hours protection.
Easy to cut, no more hacksawing and de-burring steel pipes. Envirograf Sleeves can be cut with a knife, and off cuts can be taped together leaving no waste.
For every 1mm of intumescent when activated in a fire will expand to approximately 25mm (e.g. 2mm intumescent = 50mm expansion)
Used for pipes passing through fire rated walls and ceilings that must be allowed to expand & contract. The intumescent will stay in situ in the application until activated by a fire reaching 130oc approximately 1-2 minutes into a fire.
The Intumescent wall sleeves will last a lifetime in situ and will not degrade or deteriorate.
Product Performance
Tested to BS476 Part 22 (1987), achieving an integrity of 130 minutes in solid walls, 67 minutes in hollow walls, and 4 hours in concrete/block ceilings and walls.
Tested to European Standards EN1366-3 (2005), EN1363-1 (2000), and EN13501-2 (2004).
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